News » triathlon

DREAM CHASER: The Training Balance For Dad, Husband, Business Owner and Triathlete Russell Dalba

DREAM CHASER: The Training Balance For Dad, Husband, Business Owner and Triathlete Russell Dalba

For Russell Dalba, triathlon isn’t just a hobby — it’s a lifelong passion. From completing his first full Ironman in 2009 to earning a coveted World Championship slot, he’s pushed... Read More
The Power of the Team

The Power of the Team

To call the 2021 70.3 World Championships in St. George, Utah, an epic race is an absolute understatement. Every single weather condition imaginable, aside from snow or the bomb cyclone... Read More
Overcoming the uncontrollable, the journey known as Ironman

Overcoming the uncontrollable, the journey known as Ironman

There is more to triathlon than Ironman but when you decide to take the plunge into long course triathlon there are many factors out of your control in both training...
Getting Sweat Sodium Content Tested in Atlanta

Getting Sweat Sodium Content Tested in Atlanta

I’m three months away from racing at the Ironman World Championships in Kona for the first time. My training is going great – but hydration has always been the limiting...
The Importance of a Good Bike Fit

The Importance of a Good Bike Fit

It’s been a few years since I had a bike fit and I did not realize how much my minor tweaks here and there had placed me in a bad...
Race Report: IM 70.3 Gulf Coast, 2021

Race Report: IM 70.3 Gulf Coast, 2021

To prepare I had learned how swim properly rather than breast stroke, had bought a road bike (my first ever!), learned to clip in and out, bought a cheap tri...
Five Triathlon Podcasts Worth a Listen

Five Triathlon Podcasts Worth a Listen

Music can definitely help push your body through tough training intervals, but I often prefer listening to podcasts during the easier recovery runs and rides. Focusing on the content helps... Read More
The Best Training Partners  You Could Ask For

The Best Training Partners You Could Ask For

I always did my cycling outdoors until October 2017 when I was hit by an SUV. At that point I bought a Wahoo Kickr to move indoors to ride on...
Getting to the front of the pack: Masters Swimming Works

Getting to the front of the pack: Masters Swimming Works

After competing in Triathlon for almost six years I have come to realize that there are two distinct types of Triathletes, those who grew up as swimmers and those who...