News » racing

Overcoming the uncontrollable, the journey known as Ironman

Overcoming the uncontrollable, the journey known as Ironman

There is more to triathlon than Ironman but when you decide to take the plunge into long course triathlon there are many factors out of your control in both training...
Des Moines 70.3 Race Report

Des Moines 70.3 Race Report

Des Moines 70.3 turned 41.4…My first race in the professional field. But what does that mean? To my non-triathlon friends the difference may be confusing as I have competed in...
Race Report: IM 70.3 Gulf Coast, 2021

Race Report: IM 70.3 Gulf Coast, 2021

To prepare I had learned how swim properly rather than breast stroke, had bought a road bike (my first ever!), learned to clip in and out, bought a cheap tri...
You just never know!

You just never know!

Reaching back in the archives, in 2004, four weeks before Kona I had a bike crash, broke left Femur, three screws and lots of mental anguish later, Doctor said: Your...
Introducing the 2020 All3Sports Race Teams

Introducing the 2020 All3Sports Race Teams

Race team members provide best advice, best practices and encouragement for the community. We are excited to announce the individuals who were selected this year.
5 Essentials to Get More Aerodynamic on Your Bike this Season

5 Essentials to Get More Aerodynamic on Your Bike this Season

Riders have long been trying to get themselves into a more aerodynamic position on the bike in order to gain watts and race more efficiently. It seems like everything from socks... Read More