I’ve competed in well over 100 triathlons and talked to thousands of people at races. I’ve gotten a lot of compliments on my swim, and often the conversation turns to...
After competing in Triathlon for almost six years I have come to realize that there are two distinct types of Triathletes, those who grew up as swimmers and those who...
You've worked hard on your swim skills, you've practiced in the open water, you've learned to sight like a champion. You are ready to conquer your race day swim, but... Read More
Interested in the new Swimrun races? We had a chance to chat live with Abby Huggins Mowinski and Phillip Hauserman of Team Podium about the new swimrun phenomenon. Abby participated in... Read More
If you’ve been thinking about doing your first triathlon, now is the time to set your 2017 goals and start formulating a plan. The official triathlon season generally runs between... Read More