News » cycling

Time for an Upgrade

Time for an Upgrade

Sometimes it’s the little things that make a big difference. By: Catherine Meihofer Getting into triathlon is amazing, fun, rewarding, and expensive! There is a significant monetary investment in not... Read More
The Importance of a Good Bike Fit

The Importance of a Good Bike Fit

It’s been a few years since I had a bike fit and I did not realize how much my minor tweaks here and there had placed me in a bad...
Stocking Stuffers for the Holidays

Stocking Stuffers for the Holidays

Some of the greatest gifts come in small packages. Check out these great stocking stuffers to help complete your holiday gifts this year. These useful items are sure to be...
Social Distancing: BIke Workout - Flying Mount

Social Distancing: BIke Workout - Flying Mount

Have you seen the pros speed through transition? If you blink, you’ll miss it. The secret that allows experienced triathletes and pros cut measurable time off of their first transition....
Social Distancing: Indoor Bike 3, 3, 3,…

Social Distancing: Indoor Bike 3, 3, 3,…

Cycling indoors can be challenging. Unlike being outdoors, it’s hare to feel like you’re making progress. You don’t have your normal stops because of lights, traffic or waiting on your...
Social Distancing: Indoor Bike Ride #2

Social Distancing: Indoor Bike Ride #2

This workout is intended to be conducted on a stationary bike or bike trainer. If you have a smart trainer and want to follow this, turn of "erg mode" to...
Social Distancing Part 2: Indoor Bike Ride #1

Social Distancing Part 2: Indoor Bike Ride #1

Social Distancing and cancellations of gyms across the world make staying fit and keeping with your routine more and more challenging. Which is why we want to help you. We...
Argon 18 Triathlon Bike

Social Distancing Part 1: Outdoor ride

We all experience it, those times when you can’t seem to get your calendar to match opportunities to train in groups. It could be due to travel, work deadlines, childcare,...
Train with Power to Maximize your Fitness

Train with Power to Maximize your Fitness

If you’re around cyclists or triathletes for long enough, you’re likely to hear someone casually say, ‘so what’s your FTP’? While this may seem like a rather normal question in... Read More