We all experience it, those times when you can’t seem to get your calendar to match opportunities to train in groups. It could be due to travel, work deadlines, childcare, social plans or other life experiences. Now, with the spread of Corona Virus, nearly all group activities are being canceled. To help you stay fit, we are providing some workouts to help you through this phase to stay fit, motivated and sane.

As with all training advice, please read this with knowledge of your own health and abilities in mind. Be sure to ask a doctor if you’re healthy enough to perform these exercises. If you have an injury, make sure you have recovered and cleared for additional activity. Do not over-train and ensure you are fueling your body appropriately to maximize your body’s performance and recovery. If something causes pain, that’s not good. Stop that exercise and perhaps the workout. When you workout, you should feel like you’re doing work but there shouldn’t be pain. Listen to your body and be smart. 

Ok, enough with that… onto the fun part. Today I will be sharing with you a bike routine you can do outside if the weather is appropriate. Social distancing does not mean being cooped up inside the entire day! We advise that you find a buddy to ride with. You can still maintain a safe corona virus distance. Not large groups but a couple people will keep you safer on the road.

Bike outdoor with intervals

  • Warm up:
    • 5:00 easy
    • 3 x (1:00 right leg, 1:00 both legs, 1:00 left leg, 1:00 both legs) =12:00 total
  • Main set:
    • 5 x 10:00 @ zone 3-4 - 5:00 recovery easy spin after each set
    • Continue riding in zone 2 through end of workout
  • Cool down: 5:00

This workout seems pretty straight forward but depending on the terrain, can kick your butt. When you alternate legs and you're doing this workout outside, don't un-clip your foot. Just mentally focus on one leg or the other. If you're doing this on a trainer, you're welcome to challenge yourself and use one leg. 

This workout uses heart-rate zones. If you don't have a heart-rate monitor, you can use it at a perceived effort. The scale is 1=easy, 5=very hard. Heart-rate monitors can be found here: https://www.all3sports.com/collections/heart-rate-monitors

If you don't already have a bike or are ready to upgrade, checkout these options here: https://www.all3sports.com/collections/road-bike 

Don't forget a helmet! https://www.all3sports.com/collections/helmets

What's your favorite outdoor ride? 


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