Gyms across the nation are closed. Group runs of more than 10 people are cancelled. As the globe comes together by staying apart, it's important that we maintain our health... physically, mentally and emotionally. Working out is a great outlet for many of us and it's important that we maintain that routine. 

While many gyms are closed, many individuals have treadmills in their home. This blog is to help provide a workout option to keep you focused and entertained on the revolving belt. This workout leverages a variety of inclines and speeds which will be helpful if you're building strength or are preparing for a hilly workout. Also, I will be referring to a rate of perceived exertion. If you train with heart-rate, you can translate this into your heart rate zones. 

What to do if you don't have a treadmill? Well, chances are you have a variety of hills near you, particularly if you live in most of Georgia and the eastern states. Find a route where you can do hill repeats using these same time suggestions. 

The workout:


  • 3 minutes easy (1/5 effort) at 4-6% incline (walk is acceptable)
  • 5 minutes jog  (2/5 effort) at 2-3% incline
  • 5 minutes easy (2/5 effort) at 4-6% incline

Set 1:

  • 20 minute run (3/5 effort) at long distance pace (2/3 effort) at 2-3% incline
  • 3 minute recovery: Easy jog (1/5 effort) at 1% incline

Set 2: Repeat 5 times

  • 2 minutes run (4/5 effort) at 4-6% incline
  • 1 minute easy (2/5 effort) at 4-6% incline


  • 2 minutes easy (2/5 effort) at .5%-1% incline 
  • Gradually slow down to finish your workout. 

Note about following training advice you find on the internet: 

As with all training advice, please read this with knowledge of your own health and abilities in mind. Be sure to ask a doctor if you’re healthy enough to perform these exercises. If you have an injury, make sure you have recovered and cleared for additional activity. Do not over-train and ensure you are fueling your body appropriately to maximize your body’s performance and recovery. If something causes pain, that’s not good. Stop that exercise and perhaps the workout. When you workout, you should feel like you’re doing work but there shouldn’t be pain. Listen to your body and be smart.

Stock up on the gear you need to stay motivated:


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