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8 Gifts Any Active Mom Would Love on Mother’s Day

8 Gifts Any Active Mom Would Love on Mother’s Day

The COVID-19 pandemic has imposed challenges to our normal lives including challenging how we celebrate holidays. In this article, I share my thoughts, opinions and wish list for Mother’s Day.... Read More

A Look Back: Catherine Meihofer Shares Her Journey to Kona

During the coronavirus pandemic and in a world that’s social distancing, there’s not a lot of triathlon activity to get energized about with race delays and cancellations. Like many sport...
A Look Back: Catherine Meihofer Shares Her Journey to Kona
Social Distancing: Indoor Bike with Long Climbs

Social Distancing: Indoor Bike with Long Climbs

Sometimes it’s hard to measure improvement when you’re riding indoors. Outside and in races, you have familiarity with the course or comparison to your workout buddy. This workout is one...

Social Distancing: April Fools Workout!

April Fool’s … Day? Month? Doesn’t seem very funny this year. The coronavirus has stopped the world on a dime. Races and group fitness classes are canceled. Eager anticipation of...
Social Distancing: April Fools Workout!
Social Distancing: Rolling Hills Indoor Bike

Social Distancing: Rolling Hills Indoor Bike

Cycling indoors offers many advantages such as flexibility of schedule, safety, and a bit of selfishness that you can do your workout on your terms. Drawbacks do exist. The primary...

Social Distancing: BIke Workout - Flying Mount

Have you seen the pros speed through transition? If you blink, you’ll miss it. The secret that allows experienced triathletes and pros cut measurable time off of their first transition....
Social Distancing: BIke Workout - Flying Mount
Social Distancing: 1-Minute Fartlek Run

Social Distancing: 1-Minute Fartlek Run

Fartlek, yes, we said it. It’s a funny word in the English language and it’s supposed to be fun. This Swedish term means “speed play” and is a form of...

Social Distancing: Sling Strength Training Workout

Athletes in all sports benefit tremendously from strength training. Many individuals choose to work out at a gym and leverage the variety of equipment available to create a tailored workout....
Social Distancing: Sling Strength Training Workout
Social Distancing: Indoor Bike 3, 3, 3,…

Social Distancing: Indoor Bike 3, 3, 3,…

Cycling indoors can be challenging. Unlike being outdoors, it’s hare to feel like you’re making progress. You don’t have your normal stops because of lights, traffic or waiting on your...