I’m three months away from racing at the Ironman World Championships in Kona for the first time. My training is going great – but hydration has always been the limiting...
Des Moines 70.3 turned 41.4…My first race in the professional field. But what does that mean? To my non-triathlon friends the difference may be confusing as I have competed in...
We have created an epic vacation for you! Imagine riding through the French Alps with amazing friends. All3sports Adventures has thought of every detail to ensure the participants have a great experience....
To prepare I had learned how swim properly rather than breast stroke, had bought a road bike (my first ever!), learned to clip in and out, bought a cheap tri...
It’s a question we all ask ourselves as we commit to our first triathlon and the answer evolves as we continue to train and participate in the sport. “The greatest...
Music can definitely help push your body through tough training intervals, but I often prefer listening to podcasts during the easier recovery runs and rides. Focusing on the content helps... Read More
Reaching back in the archives, in 2004, four weeks before Kona I had a bike crash, broke left Femur, three screws and lots of mental anguish later, Doctor said: Your...
Deep in the middle of winter training, with races still months away, I'm still excited about many things in triathlon and endurance sports. One fun aspect of the sport is...